Bait and Switch?

Hans has been busy finding us a rental car in New Zealand. There are many companies available, but a number of them have "older" cars and we're not desperate enough to take a chance just to save a few bucks.

But it is all quite confusing:
§ some companies don't let their cars go on the ferry to the south island
§ some companies will, but it costs a fortune
§ others want you to drop your car off at the north island, take the ferry with your luggage in hand, and pick up a second car when you reach the south island
§ many won't let you drop the car off in Christchurch if you pick it up in Auckland UNLESS you rent the car for more than 30 days. We need it for 25.
§ All of them will hold you liable to the tune of megabucks if you have an accident unless, of course, you pay an extra $10 per day. Then they'll only hold you liable for about $200 worth of damage. No word on what happens if you run over someone.

And finally, after having sorted through all this information and trying to compare apples and oranges, Hans finally settled on one company whose quote was quite reasonable. Then he asked how much more if we get the next larger size? Well, it was lots more, so he agreed to go with the smaller size. Oh, except the smaller size is now also more!

Why is that, we asked. Well, apparently the busier they are, the higher their rates. Go figure.

So phooey on them. We're renting from #2. They try harder.


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