
I have a new car!!

A brand spanking new white Prius. And it's made for directionally impaired people like me. It has a navigation system! Simply type in the address and voila - a display maps the way. How cool is that? I have been warned, though, that it's not always that up-to-date for Canada but if I were driving in the US, I wouldn't get lost. On the other hand, how often have I been lost with no navvy system to help out? Shame forbids me to be honest here. I have been known to pull over and phone Favourite Dotter and asking, "Where am I?" This too will now be easier since there's a built in phone! Of course I don't know how it works yet, but there's a cute little phone pad on the display panel. Somewhere thee's sure to be a mike that's picking up my voice.

So the car not only has all the bells and whistles, it also has a phone!

And a camera! See below for details...

This really is an uber-cool feature... a teensy weensy camera in the back so when I reverse, I can see exactly where I am going. Live and in colour. No more backing over cats. We tested it yesterday and backed up to within 6" of a car. With that cool little camera, it was a piece of cake.

I love it love it love it!

I will be picking it up Wednesday after work and I can't wait.


Anonymous said…
Congratulations on the new car!


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