Rotary International Convention coming up!

Hans and I are gearing up for our first ever Rotary International Convention, this year in lovely Copenhagen. We fly out June 4th to first spend a few days with Hans' dad in Hamburg, then hop into our rental car and drive to Copenhagen only a few hours away. Amazing how close everything is.

We hope to actually see Monty and Liz there, though with 35,000-40,000 delegates...

Already we've been invited to stay with new Rotary friends in Norway following the convention. They call us their "dear unknown friends in Canada" and are anxious to show us a bit of their country. I love it!

Bob and Judy Baird, New Zealand friends we met through Rotary's International Travel and Hosting Fellowship last year, will be at the RI Convention and since we exchanged hotel information, we're hoping to get together. It's going to be a great trip, great convention and great fun. If you watch this space, I hope to be able to tell you all about it.


Anonymous said…
Have a wonderful trip. Looking forward to reading your blogs then hearing of all your experiences first hand.

Neil and Margo

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