You put de lime in de coconut

You put de lime in de coconut and not into the urinals.

However, this was the urinal at the River Kwai restaurant. Someone suggsested the lime slices in the urinal were targets. The men's area was separated from the hallway but a beaded curtain which isn't exactly opaque, so you could see the backs of all the men lined up, presumably aiming for the lime slices. Hans told me he was facing only a half wall behind which was a waterfall, which no doubt helped to set the right mood.

The toilets have mostly been interesting experiences. In one place, we were asked to take our shoes off first and handed plastic bags. I watched one man put the bags over his socks and proceeded to do the same. "No no" directed the custodian, and instead put my sandals into the bag which I was directed to carry down the stairs towards the toilet. The stairs were very clean, and at the bottom they had a selection of rubber sandals for us to wear inside the actual toilet.

Most toilets are stand-up. They don't flush, but there's usually a trough of water along one wall with a scoop, which you use to pour water into the enamel hole until your deposit disappears. Paper goes into a wastebasket.

"And did you wash your hands?" I asked one of the men as he returned. "No. But I licked them."


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