Miscellaneous Thai stuff

Almost all pop is served in old fashioned glass bottles. Sometimes cans are available, as in Coke Light, but you can't get it everywhere. that would be because everyone here is thin. that would also explain why no packaged Thai food products show any kind of calorie values on them . They don't need to know and don't care.

This year in Thailand it's 2551. Being a primarily Buddhist country,nit obviously makes no sense for the Thais to chart their calendars after Christ. Instead they count their years from when Buddha reached enlightenment at the age of 36. This is now 2551 years after his Enlightenment. He died a natural death around 52.

The urinal in one restaurant was at chin level. This meant you either had to sit sideways on the throne - a preferable option, or, stare into the urinal.

If you have to parallel park anywhere, you park within inches of the car in front of you and leave your car in neutral. Then, if any of the cars have to leave, the attendant pushes the other cars to give you as much space as possib le. Sometimes, this means if a car 8 lengths ahead of you leaves, he has 7 cars to push up so you can get out. No wonder they're thin here and don't need calorie inormation on their packaged goods.


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