Zoom zoom zoom

The sudden and unexpected demise of Zoom Air not only threw a monkey wrench into our travel plans, it totally dismembered them.

We were to fly Calgary-London Gatwick the afternoon of September 13th. Only 9 hours direct from here to there at a modest price of $950 return, each. Perfect. We arranged our connecting flight to Budapest to leave from Gatwick and made sure that our return flights also deposited us at Gatwick to more easily connect with Zoom back to Calgary. Well then.

With the news of Zoom's bankruptcy dominating the airwaves last week, Hans got on the computer to find us another flight to London Gatwick while I sat on hold for two hours with MasterCard to find out if we'd our money back. Hans found us some flights but MasterCard was evasive.

"We'll put a temporary credit on your card while we attempt to get your money back, along with that of our other customers," said the helpful agent speaking to me directly from India. Well, Zoom owes millions. I'm guessing the big guys will get their millions before the little guys get their pittance. It's no fun losing the cost of the Zoom ticket since our new tickets are now $1400 each and, the flight (via Houston) is 18 hours long versus 9 hours.

C'est la vie.


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