Punta Arenas, Chile

“Allo? Allo? Allo?”

I had dropped about five paces behind Hans and Teddy as we were walking in Punta Arenas and so, appeared to be walking by myself. The man behind me was clearly trying to get my attention and just as clearly, I was ignoring him and trying vainly to catch up to Hans and Teddy.

“Wait for me,” I stage whispered. They paused and turned slightly towards me, allowing me to step up between them.

“That man behind me is trying to accost me,” I said once safely flanked. “He keeps repeating ‘allo’ and trying to get my attention.”

“He’s on his phone,” laughed Teddy.

And just then he passed the three of us still going, “Allo?” Allo?” into his phone.


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