On the road again

We're off to the Rotary International Convention.

First stop, Mike's place in Calgary where we enjoyed a beautiful evening but short night. Barely 5 hours of sleep and off we were on a long drive to Winnipeg.
In the end, it took us *only* 12 hours of concerted driving to get there. Hans, as always, did the lion's share while I suffered through 2 hours of driving.


Saskatchewan: an old Indian saying meaning, "No hill high enough to jump from and hurt yourself."

Saying the road in Saskatchewan is boring is an understatement. It could have been the minimal sleep, or the straight but bumpy road, but soon the silver tanker truck in front of me was shimmering. It was unclear whether my eyes were out of focus or the sun was to blame but luckily, it was time to fill up the car and then Hans took over again.


Well, this turned out to be everything we hoped for!

We have a one bedroom suite. You walk into the living room with desk, sofa, armchair and TV. Also, a bar with microwave and small fridge, fancy coffee maker and martini shaker. Well then!

A sumptuous bathroom separates the LR from the bedroom, with king size bed and flat screen TV where Hans is currently lounging and watching the early soccer game. We'll probably never get a room like this again since this was severely discounted courtesy of a Rotarian we've never met but who, thanks to a mutual friend, has offered us a night here in Winnipeg at a fabulous rate.

And now, the morning's come and we're off on the next step of our cross-country adventure.


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