
Weather here is very nice. It rained for most of the last two days of walking although it stopped shortly before I arrived at the cathedral. Attended the mass at noon today which was packed with pilgrims. They even used the big incense ball and I managed to get some decent photos while they were swinging it literally from ceiling to ceiling.

Have deceded to stay here at the albergue rather than get a hotel room. No bath but everything else is perfect. I am also a couple of hundred meters from the bus stop that will get me to the airport. Spent some time going to the stores around the cathedral picking up some souvenirs including a couple of tee-shirts. There is also a jazz festival in the city and lots of groups are entertaining the throngs of people.

The albergue is on the Camino about 2 km from the cathedral. Am watching a continuous flow of pilgrims walking by. I´m guessing that several hundred are arriving daily and it is still not the height of the season which I am told is July and August.


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