Greek Restaurant

We had dinner at a Greek Restaurant since the Clam Bucket was full and we would have had to wait an hour. We didn't have the time since we needed to meet with Cal at 8:00 p.m. for our first briefing.

The Greek Restaurant was empty except for one table with 4 men (who were probably relatives).

So we ordered the food and impressed our urgency upon the waitress, stating we had to be somewhere in an hour.

"No problem", she assured us and went to place the order.

Thirty minutes later, she finally came with our food. She explained. "In his haste, the chef cut his finger and so I have been helping him", and shrugged her shoulders in explanation.

In the previous 30 minutes she had allowed a couple of girls to take a table but now, she was telling all customers that the chef was injured and that while they were welcome to come in, dinner was likely to be very, very late... Most took the hint and left, promising to come back another time.


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