Surfing the Waves!

Earlier this morning, our longest day, Lynda and I had decided to partner in the yellow double. But as everyone was sorting and loading gear, discussion turned to who was going to double and who was going to single. Cal said he'd be my partner today. "Sorry Lynda", I said, sincerely grateful for his offer. "I'd rather have Cal".

As we paddled from Clarke to Benson, Teddy, who was with Lynda, glances over.

"He's not paddling" she said. And he wasn't. Cal said that the rule when paddling with him is that I can take a paddling break whenever I want (and apparently so could he) but I wanted to show him that I would be a good partner and do my part so I paddled harder. How stupid is that?? I'm sure he's laughing if he reads this, but I really thought I paddled harder on that day than on any of the others. That evening my wrists were swollen and I had to loosen my wristwatch two notches, but I still had the best day!

It was fairly hot which means that in the afternoon the winds pick up. We also had to cross three channels. The first one, Thiepval, I don't remember as being too bad. Of course I had a motor behind me. But by the time we got to Peacock Channel, the winds had kicked up considerably and we were in 2' - 2 1/2' chop with whitecaps.

"Do you want to surf?" Cal asked.

"Yes!! Just tell me what to do."

"Just paddle," Cal replied and in seconds our kayak faced the waves. Then he turned on the jets. Wow. Cal bench presses Volvos. Immediately we shot forward and cut like a bullet through the wave tips. The wind whistled through my hair and had you glimpsed my face, you would have seen an ear splitting grin. I smile just remembering it. Thanks Cal.

What a ride!


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