The Grinch

Sometimes I'm mean. Even Grinchlike.

Hans and I are sunbathing by the pools in the adult section and I can hear two very young voices coming from the hot tub. They were getting noisy and annoying so I went down, told them you have to be 16 to be here, and pointed to the sign that said so to emphasize my point.

They didn't say anything and left the hot tub. Since I was down there anyway, I decided to dip into the cool pool and joined 3 other ladies already there.

"Thank you." they said, virtually in unison.

I shrugged and said that I found them to be annoying, and the reason we come to this area of the ship is that we don't want to be around kids. Emphatic nods and agreement all around.

Then I see the boys come back down and prepare to step into the cool pool. With us!

"This pool is also for adults only," I said, pointing to a second sign. They smirked shrugged their shoulders and prepared to ignore me. Then I see dad coming down the stairs.

"Are these your boys?" I ask. He nods. "This area is reserved for people over 16," I say, sweeping my arm to encompass all 4 signs which boldy proclaim this to be true. He says nothing, reads the signs, and finally motions to his boys to follow him. Meanwhile, mom is now also downstairs and mutters about how the other pool is in full sun with no shade as she leads her family away. True, but hey. If I wanted to vacation with kids, I'd take a Disney cruise.


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