Mr. and Mrs. Jones

"Our last 2 passengers have just boarded. Lucky for them."

The Captain's voice boomed over the loudspeaker. Everyone was supposed to be on board at 4:30 with the ship due to leave at 5:00. At 4:40 the Captain's first announcement came over the intercom: "Would Mr. and Mrs. Jones of cabin Caribe 406 please call the purser's office immediately." This was repeated twice at 5 minute intervals.

We all knew Mr. and Mrs. Jones hadn't come back yet.

Finally, about 1 minute to 5:00, a pickup truck pulls up in front of the gangplank and a middle aged couple gets out. Hundreds of passengers are lined up on deck 7 and applaud loudly as a ship's officer approaches them and obviously speaks a few sharp words.

Mr. Jones doesn't even wait for his wife but stalks off in a huff onto the gangplank. What a gentleman.


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