September in Spain

I'm so happy.

After looking at the logistics of our trip to Spain in September, after which Hans is walking the Camino de Santiago it looked awkward. And we weren't on the same page regarding a holiday. I want a week in the sun by the sea and the other week is optional. Hans doesn't want to veg out so close to his walk since he's training hard right now (walked 14 miles = 23 K yesterday, and golfing today where he also walks).

So, we decided he'd go by himself to Spain and do his walk, and I'd do something else. I invited Teddy to go for a cruise, and we'll do that probably in early January. However, there's more.

I went online to the Princess site and lo and behold, they have a 12 and 29 day cruise out of Barcelona leaving September 26.


Hans will leave a couple of weeks earlier for Spain, probably in mid August to make sure he's done by September 26. We'll meet up in Barcelona on the ship. I would have been happy with the 12 day cruise, but luckily Hans loves cruising so we're going to do the 29 day version which delivers us to Ft. Lauderdale on October 26th.

Retirement is going to be great.


Anonymous said…
What a cruise!!!! Barcelona is great! We went to a few of the harbours when we went cruising 6 years ago. We enjoyed it so much and made friends with a couple from our part of Norway. They want us to join them on a cruise in Carribien next February or March.
Do see Ephesos i Turkey. It`s just marvellous.
A pity you won`t get to Crete. Otherwise you might have joined us there.Leaving for Greece on September the 23., staying for two weeks. Retirement sounds great, being a teacher in summertime is not too bad either! Going to Turkey in three weeks! Have a nice summer! Vigdis
Haloranch said…
Hi Vigdis!
We'll certainly plan on seeing Ephesos and it is too bad we'll miss each other in Greece but Crete is a bit too far away for you to hop over just to see us for a few hours!! We're both looking forward to seeing Turkey as we've never been there either. Lots of new places for us, though on a cruise we only get a tiny flavour of each port. Still, it's a great holiday and if we like some place, we can always plan to come back for a longer visit.
Haloranch said…
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