Tivoli Dinner

We were in line behind Milt and Alice Jones from Florida, both very charming people and we sat together during a delicious dinner. Milt is an incoming Director and throughout the dinner several other Directors stopped by and said hello so we got to meet several, including one from Japan and another from Istanbul, Turkey. A place we long to visit but not for a few years.

Dinner was sit-down service and went off without a hitch. The wine flowed freely, which is always a pleasure for me as you all know. Tiny parsley potatoes and rarely cooked veal with snow peas followed a salmon terrine with mesculun salad. Lovely! No dessert, so I made up for it with 2 cups of coffee.

Following dinner we strolled outside and managed to see the Tivoli Boys Band march through the grounds for their evening performance. Perfect timing! Then we chatted with a German couple and glancing off to the side I spotted a tall head in the crowd. There was DG Steve Rickard and Marie, so I excused myself and went over for a big hug. In a crowd like this what are the odds that we'd run into the current and incoming Governors? It was great.

On the way out a couple from Maryland stopped us to say hello. Turns out he just finished leading a GSE team to Norway and went to all the places we plan to visit following the convention.

We've met so many friendly Rotarians, which is really a redundant comment. It's been great and convention hasn't even started yet. The opening ceremonies are tomorrow and I can't wait.


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