
Vigeland is a park in Oslo with incredible sculptures

It is the life's work of one man and the pictures say it all.


Anonymous said…
I remember that place - it blew my mind. I loved the obelisquw of life that showed everything from birth to love to procreation to death - amazing stuff. So glad you went back!

Anonymous said…
I see a sculpture off the waterfall in your future
Anonymous said…
Hi There!!

I just finished reading ALL your notes and am overwhelmed by the magnificent trip you are enjoying!!
What great people and beautiful sites you're experiencing!! I [aka Teddy...and I say this bcause I have no other way of identifying myself since I don't have a password [I'm sure you once gave me one. My apologies!!] I am thrilled to read about your wonderful experiences!
And you haven't even reached Hans' cousins' place yet! I know you were looking forward to being with them.
I wish I could add comments to each of your glorious comments but alas my limited skills make that impossible.
Just know I'm THOROUGHLY enjoying reading about your great trip.
Thanks so much for sharing your adventures!!
Haloranch said…
Thanks Ted. You don't need a password for commenting under any post. Just do what you did this time.

We're back Sunday night, Monday will be laundry and Rotary catch-up day, and Tuesday it's back to life as normal. After close to a month away, I can honestly say, I'm not ready for it!

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