High life

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Omigod. This hotel is beautiful beyond words.

Think of the sail hotel in Dubai. Then think of its baby. That's where we are.

The hotel is shaped like a sail, all glass and mirrors and we could see it glinting at us from the ferry. We asked ourselves, "What's the most we're willing to spend?" We agreed on 1500 Kr, having spent between 1200-1400 in the last hotels and they've been okay. We had a tub last time, which was a bonus.

However as we approached this gorgeousbuilding I nearly lost my nerve and thought, we can never afford to stay here. It looked so sumptuous.

"How much for a double room?"
"985 KR"
"Each?" Hans asked, nearly speechless
"No, together" she replied with a warm smile.

We're staying 2 nights.

Bonus: we'r on the 12th floor and our room overlooks the Molde Fjord. We see sailboats and ferries and across the narrow fjord we can see th mountains ,some still with snow.

bonus 2: Hans has a chaise lounge from which to view the World Cup soccer.


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