La Segrada Familia

I know, I know. I'm not blogging our ports in sequence but sometimes I have to write about where we've just been or I forget. Some of you know how that is.

On our second trip to Barcelona we toured the amazing La Segrada Familia. This stunning cathedral was designed and started by Antoni Gaudi over 100 years ago but it's still not complete. Luckily, he left behind detailed drawings and calculations and so the City of Barcelona is able to continue construction. They expect it to be completed in 25-30 years.

The exterior is so detailed. In fact, it's a book telling various tories of the young Jesus. The West details the last supper, the betrayal and crucifixtion. The East side has a huge Christmas tree filled with white doves, the birth/manger, Jesus at 12 in the temple, etc. The north and south sides still need to be detailed. The interior is stunning, even unfinished.

Above you see huge pillars forming the tee trunks soar about 100 metres and unfold into gilt flowers high above your head. Curvy balconies reminiscent of Douglas Cardinal's style swoop around the perimeter as Gaudi loved curvy lines and much of his architecture reflects it.

We saw other examples of Gaudi's work it's definitely different and quite beautiful.

On another note, it's very difficult to post photos. In fact, now that we're basically at sea except for one last port, it will be impossible. But we'll post them when we're back in Red Deer.

Have been swimming almost every day! It's great. If I go early enough, I have the pool to myself.


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