Dolphins and Whales

“If you look towards the bow of the ship, you’ll see a bunch of dolphins,” came the voice over the PA system. I hurried to the side to see and sure enough, swimming straight towards me just under the surface of the water was a pair of dolphins. In tandem they leapt up in a joyful , perfect arc and then swam along the length of the ship and repeated their acrobatics. Here and there along the length of the ship and further out in the ocean were other singles and pairs, leaping and frolicking in the wake of the ship. Our faces were all split into the same smiles worn by the happy dolphins at play.

I wasn’t on deck when this announcement came, so I missed the whales, but Hans and other passengers saw three of them. They were blowing and doing their typical ‘rounded back up and down’ swim, sort of like thick, black darning needles weaving through the waves.


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