International Café

It was a long wait until we got onto our tender to go ashore, and while we were waiting, Teddy was exploring the 5th level where there is an International Café with specialty coffees and other delicious foods and desserts. The coffees aren’t free, but you do get free refills as long as you are sitting in the area. We decided we’d try it for breakfast one day, should it be open that early, so off she went to enquire.

“Are you open for breakfast?”
“Eclairs, cookies, sandwiches…”
“I mean, are you open for breakfast?”
“Yes! Coffee, cookies, pastries.”
“So, you *are* open for breakfast?”
“What time?”
“6:00 am”

So, not tomorrow – we have to go into Puntarenas, Costa Rica, and we can’t fill up on coffee before we go. But another day we’ll certainly try their éclairs, cookies, sandwiches. And all the delicious coffee refills we can hold.


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