Sniffles and Coughs

Hans has come down with a cold. Teddy found him some lozenges in town yesterday but by now they’re all gone so we had to pay 2 ½ times as much downstairs in the shop. *sigh* Onion juice would probably work too but we can’t make it here. He did eat a plateful of onion in an attempt to stave it off but it didn’t work. So, he’s sucking Halls and drinking cough syrup and missing dinner.

However, he still has to be somewhere. So this afternoon the three of us sat outside and watched “Mama Mia” on the big outside screen. Very cute show and Meryl Streep is not only an outstanding actress, but also has a darn good voice.

Tonight is a formal night and Hans will miss it, though he probably doesn’t mind not having to dress up.


Lethe said…
Poor Dad! I bet it's the change in climate. That gets me a lot, too.
Haloranch said…
He's better today (Wednesday) and will only have the usual lingering cough for awhile.

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