Augusta, here I come!

Hans has now played 5 games: 95, 93, 90 87 and 84. Should be ready for Augusta in a week or so.


Anonymous said…
Lloyd has been out almost every day but not quite. shooting in the mid 70's. The weather has been great. Did you guys do the facial mud things at Rotarua. How will you ever get those cases and cases of Kiwi wine into your suitecases to bring back.
Take care.
Haloranch said…
Hans' next 2 games have been 81 and 79, so he's on a downward trend.

We didn't do the mud stuff in Rotorua, but we felt quite at home since the ambient air hid any flatulance we were experiencing...

I've figured out how to bring back the wine. I'm drinking it!

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