Rotorua Thursday March 10

Hans and Bryce took off at 9:30 a.m. for a *Veterans* day at the golf club. You have to be over 55. Luckily, Hans qualified! He had a great day and a great game: 47 + 41.

While waiting for Tony and Marlene to pick me up, I sat outside and watched the mail lady do her deliveries. She uses a mountain bike and travels about 22 Km per day on her route, picking up mail as well as delivering it. We talked about how it's done in Canada (no bikes, for example). These days it would be quite comfy to ride your bike, but it must be brutally hot and uncomfortable to do it in the summer.

Tony and Marlene were a bit late. "Marlene lost her cheque book and we spent some time looking for it".

"So I'm buying lunch?"

We toured around a bit first, going to St. Faith's Maori church, which has a richly decorated interior. It was conserated in 1914 and rededicatd in 1967. The most photographed window in the church is an etching of Jesus in flowing robes. The window faces the ocean and it looks like he's walking on water. Quite beautiful, actually.

Outside the church, the air is rank with the smell of sulfur. Almost like it's built on the roof of Hell.

Rotorua is a steaming hotbed of bubbling mud, geysers and steam vents. The ground is blistering hot to the touch, and not from the sun. Silver tarnishes overnight. Luckily, I didn't bring any!


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