Odds and Sods

This is a town west of Dunedin and Christchurch and about halfway between them. For the last few years at East time, the unmarried farmers of Middlemarch (coincidentally roughly the middle of March this year) host a parade of single women who stream into town by the trainload looking for romance and possibly a husband.

Apparently, there's a dearth of women in Middlemarch. But the farmers there like their lifestyle and the area and so began advertising to have the women come to them. And they have.

One young American woman who had been extolling the virtues of NZ men as being "manly men" when compared to their American counterparts was given a return ticket by her friends. Guess they didn't have high hopes for her. She said that the NZ men were everything she hoped for and that she, along with many other single women, had a fabulous time. But she's coming home as single as she left.

We drove through this town, whose main street is beautifully lined with huge trees. There's a small cross in front of each tree. I couldn't read the inscriptions, but I'm guessing that each tree was planted long ago as a memorial to a lost loved one.

Leggy Pines:
These pines have baffled us since we arrived. The bottom half of the tree is a straight trunk, and the actual pine branches begin high up, a good 10 - 12' above the ground.
So what are they?
A new species of leggy pines?
Do farmers lop off the low branches to prevent their sheep from velcroing themselves to them?
No idea.

NZ has interesting highway billboards:
"The faster you go, the bigger the mess", followed shortly by:
"No doctor, no hostpial, one cemetery."


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