Surprise on the Plane

On the leg from L.A. to Vancouver, we were seated in the 2nd last row of the plane. Behind us was a matronly woman accompanying a 6 year old girl, and a young man in his mid 20's.

The flight attendant came to the young man and asked, would he mind switching seats with another gentleman so the family could sit together? He agreed, and moments later she comes back leading a very handsome man to the back. He gratefully thanked the young man saying, amongst other things, "Boy, the stories I could tell you".

He looked familiar. I noticed he didn't sit down in his newly assigned seat behind me, but remained standing, propping his right leg on the seat. It appeared to be injured. There was a cast visible between his runners and the hem of his slacks, and he had a black tensor bandage loosely slung around his ankles. At some point the flight attendant came to him and very politely said, we can't take off until you sit down, which he did.

To make a 2 1/2 hour story short, I thought he was Richard Dean Anderson, who currently stars in Stargate and before that was known as McGyver. Hans didn't think so and half the time, I didn't either. The other half I was sure it was him.

In the end, after everyone had deplaned and only Hans and I, plus Richard, his daughter and nanny were left, he spoke to me and asked if my daughter had bothered me during the flight. "Not at all", I replied, grateful that he initiated the conversation. Then I said, "You look a lot like Richard Dean Anderson".

"That's good," he replied. "My mother will be glad to hear it." He flashed his killer smile at me and I floated down the aisle behind Hans.

As I write, I'm watching Stargate, which I have never seen before but yes, it was definitely him on the plane. How cool is that?


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