And now, The End is Near

I reached the cathedral in Santiago de Compostela at 11:15 local time this morning. The Eagle has landed!

Markus and I attended the pilgrim mass at noon (which lasted about an hour)and then we went to a bar to have some lunch and a celebratory drink (I drank for both of us). Didn´t get to the albergue until almost 3:30 and after getting cleaned up I headed into the old part of the city to try to find an internet cafe with some success as you can read.

The walk into Santiago was uneventful although it was really cold....probably no more than 5C for most of the morning. Now it is probably 25 and nice and sunny and hot.

Just one minor incident on the way. I have walked for about 800 km without an accident! In the last half kilometer before reaching the cathedral I tripped on a curb and landed on my face. Just some scrapes to my right knee so not to worry. Markus claims that I was focussing on a couple of nice Spanish university girls who were in front of me. No truth to that at all!!!!

I did have another minor event a couple of days when we were walking through farm lanes in Galicia (this is the province that we have been in since O Cebrerio). All of a sudden something hit me on the top of the was an apple from a tree. I immediately thought that I was about to make a significant discovery. Alas none was forthcoming. Obviously my Tilly had absorbed too much of the force of the apple.

My leg is almost back to normal and since we are not walkng tomorrow I expect to be fully recovered by Friday when we start the walk to Finisterre.

I went to a bank earlier this afternoon and my debit card would not work as before. I ended up taking out 300 euros on MC. So much for the advice from the bank in Red Deer.

I forgot to bring my book with various emails. Could you please send an email to Janos advising him that I am in Santiago and that I arrived at 11:15 today. Also let him know that I expect to be in Finisterre by about 15:00 on Sunday September 23.


Anonymous said…
A great achivement, your Norwegian cousin is impressed.
Hopefully you will enjoy a nice glass of "cava" to celebrate!
Have a nice cruise!

Anonymous said…
Congrats on completing your "stroll". It should be interesting to see your transition to "cruise mode" after daily exercise doses. Enjoy the cruise too. Now.....what's on tap next??? A little walk across the Sahara?


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