Hi Favourite People

I am in a little town called El Burgo Ranero which is about 40km from Leon which is the next big city that I should reach eithe tomorrow or on Monday morning.

Yesterday I passed the half way point to Santiago. I am currently 3 days ahead of the 31 day schedule as posted on the Canadian Copany of Pilgrims website. The weather has been great for the last 6 days and should continue at least through Monday: very cool early in the morning (you can see your breath) and then gradually warming to the mid to high twenties by the afternoon. Lots of wind but it has been either from the north or the east and thus a help.

Over the last three days have walked 103 km. No health or medical issues except for chapped lips and wind burn in my face.

Here are the stats to date:
  • 427 km completed
  • 349 to go to Santiago
  • Time on the Camino over 15 days is 98.5 hours.
  • am averaging about 29km per day.
  • Have met people from 25 countries, the most recent being Austria, USA, Norway, Finland, and Slovenia.

At this rate if I feel like it I have time to walk the 90 km to Finisterre over 3 days.


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