I'm leaving, on a jet plane

As one adventure ends, a new one is being born.

Tomorrow I fly away. Can't wait, even though it's gorgeous here now. But I have new faces to meet and new places to visit.

It's been a busy month though I'm trying to think what I did and... nothing really comes to mind. Sure, I mowed the lawn (twice, even), cut down the dead and nearly dead plants and threw them over the hill into our handy compost "au naturel" - the ravine. Picked 5 flats of fat green tomatoes and tossed their smaller siblings into the above mentioned natural compost pile. Nothing else comes to mind. I must have done my few chores very slowly indeed.

So now the suitcases are packed and trimmed to within 2 pounds of their maximum load. By Wednesday afternoon I should be on the ship, enjoying the first of many wonderful days. Life is grand.


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