Answers to earlier questions

What kind of food do you get at the albrgue? You mentioned that last night it was fabulous - so what would that include? Details, details!

The typical perregrino menu will consist of three courses. The starter is a choice of a salad, pasta, soup or paella. The main course can be any variety of meat and possibly fish. Dessert can be ice cream, yogurt, cake etc. I have only been disappointed one time, I ordered soup and it was a pasta soup where they either forgot to use stock or they decided to serve pasts without using a collander!!! The main course was meatballs....unfortunately they used more salt than meatballs. I was so hungry that I ate it regardless.

Are you still walking with your Hungarian companion?

Here are some details. Janos and I met on the pass on the first day. The wind was howling, rain was coming down in sheets and I was trying to put on my cape withour success. I had just passed him and waited for him to catch up and he helped me. We met later that after noon and had dinner together. He is 41, doesn´t speak much English, is married with A 1 YEAR OLD SON. Conversations are short and sign language and paper and pen help.

At the end of the third day at Cizur Menor, a young lady was there just before me. I asked where she was from and her name. She is Christina (31) from Hungary and she spoke a bit of English as well as very good German. This was a miracle!!!! Janos and I could now converse! In any event we have been walking together ever since. We start in the morning and walk together until we stop to have coffee and breakfast. After that we agree to meet at some place down the road as I am quite a bit faster. Then we stay at the same albergue each night and get together to have dinner. We are all going to Santiago ( Many people that we have met and meet daily are just doing portions of the trip this year).

Tonight we are going out for tapas at a local bar.


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