Another Day in Paradise

While Hans is golfing during the day (86 yesterday, including two unusal par six holes), I swim laps in the pool and if I can't upload photos on the blog, go for a walk.

It's essential to walk early. And when possible, I walk on the beach side where there's a welcome breeze but yesterday, I tackled a new route. Armed with a map, inaccurate but essential, I headed off around 10:00 a.m. Before long I realized that this road was, well, pretty uninteresting. After the usual shops and restaurants, it was mostly furniture making stores - sort of light industrial. I was committed to this route though since there are virtually no intersecctions! The alternative was to retrace my steps but that didn't seem like much fun.

Finally, I came to the intersection noted on my map. It would connect me to the beach road and from there I could find my way back to the hotel. At the corner were several security guards - don't know why. There appeared nothing there that needing guarding. I approached them with my map and pointing to the connecting road, asked if it went to Jomtien Beach.

"No, go back," one of them said, pointing in the direction I had come.

"Doesn't this connection to Jomtien Beach?" I asked, pointing first to the road, then to the map. Clearly, the map was a mystery to them as I watched while they turned it this way and that and then, pointed again back the way I had come. The pointing was accompanied by much discussion amongst themselves. Finally they pointed to the connecting road.

"Okay. Your choice Madam." said one as he reluctantly agreed I could go down the new road. I looked at the map once more. Yup, it should work. Besides, I could see some of the taller buildings from the beach so I knew I would be heading in the right direction.

"M'am, this one has not much to do. He will take you on the motorbike," offered one guard, pointing to his mate and a scooter.

It was a kind offer and I would have felt quite safe in accepting. But I wanted to walk and so declined, saying "It's good exercise," patting my hips for emphasis. He rolled his eyes and laughed.

Later, walking along the connecting road which did in fact eventually lead me back to the beach, I regretted declining the offer. It was so hot. Waves of heat just rolled up off the asphalt and hit me with each step. By the time I got to the beach road, I could feel the red heat of my face melting the sunblock and dripping off my nose. The last thing I remember is slipping into our air conditioned massage parlor and presenting my feet and legs for a cooling rub. And then submitting to the soothing ministrations while my face slowly regained its normal colour.


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