Saturday Discon and.... what a house!

The Filipinos go all out for the Saturday night dance which this year was the Galactic Ball. Here the club presidents and spouses are dressed up and performing a choreographed waltz.

The rest of the delegates were equally dazzling. Ladies in gorgeous long gowns and men in dark suits and tuxes. They were a splendid sight. And so were we!

Once again we were privileged to get a table right up front by the stage which gave us an unobstructed view of the entertainment. But when the band started playing, well, we were also right in front of their speakers. Fed was arranging to get our table moved back a bit but, it was still going to be way too close so we moved to the back of the room and joined our friends from Las Pinas Camino Real.

There, we got an added of bonus of some dance space between the tables and before long, we were all up and dancing away to a terrific band playing ourmusic! Anna went to fetch Liz and Monty so they joined us for awhile joining us in our newly learned line dancing. We even took videos, though I venture to say they're never going to see the light of day. Mostly, we were awful but we sure had fun!

One unexpected and delicious event occurred this evening. Past R I Director Paing Hechanova told Monty he wanted to meet the Canadians and then, he invited those of us who weren't leaving Sunday afternoon to come to dinner Sunday evening. At his house. Luckily, we were available as well as the Millers and Fed and Anna, so we joined Monty for an outstanding evening. Really, this blog needs photos, but let me give you a teaser.

Paing and Mely apparently have the largest house in Manila. It's 10,000 sq. ft. on the main floor. The second floor would be smaller since in some rooms the ceiling vaults up two storeys. The basement has the servants' quarters, garages and 1200 sq. ft. of storage for tables and chairs used for outdoor entertaining.

When we arrived, we were received by the melodious notes of a pianist playing the grand piano in the foyer.

We took the elevator to the second floor when Mely showed us around, but descended on the stunning lit staircase.

I can't even guess how large Mely's closet is, but she has walls of pullout racks with her shoes, many brand new. Large aryclic cubes house her many handbags. One of the cubes had 9 Fendis in it, and I doubt they are knockoffs. Her clothes are on a dry-cleaner's rack that moves with the push of a button.

The dining room, which we first viewed from the second floor, had 3 large square tables set up, each for 12 people. And I thought it was going to be a small, intimate dinner for just a few of us!

The green place mats are made of feathers interspersed with a few beads. Looked fabulous! Alas, didn't fit in my purse. I must start carrying a shoppng bag.

Hans and I had brought along one of the District's cookbooks but suddenly, it seemed like a paltry gift for a hostess who has... five kitchens! However, I learned that Mely does a lot of the cooking herself and loves to cook, so suddenly it seemed okay. I hope she browses through it. In fact, one of the five kitchens, but a smaller one, is outside their master bedroom in case they hanker for a late-night snack.

Paing showed us his favourite room, an office/ den where he displays a few items of importance to him. He told Hans that he used to be a basketball player and in fact was familiar with our host Dave Regullana. However, Paing neglected to mention that he was an Olympic athlete and represented the Philippines in the Olypics in the early '50's.

This is the ladies' guest bathroom. Note the triple sinks in the center of the room. There were also 3 cubicles - none of this waiting in line!

And finally, the grand entrance and the stunning front door, which someone whispered to me cost $150,000. It's made of thick glass with little cubes inserted into it. Gorgeous.


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