The Most Unique Lunch I've Ever Had

"Wear your rubber sandals," says Fed as we get ready to head for lunch.

I think back to the many water buffalo patties I saw dotting the field on our way in and I wonder if we'll be picking our way through them on the way to lunch. Not so. Instead, we walked to an old hydro electric dam. Odd, I'm thinking. As we round the building, the entire sloping wall of the dam is now a rippling waterfall. Stunning. The shallow river that winds its way to the waterfall is scattered with picnic tables sitting in about 6" of water. Now I see why we need rubber sandals. There's a long staircase leading down to the river and we choose a table near the waterfall which cascades ceaselessly down the face. Along one side of the river is another outstanding buffet of seafoods luring us with its delicious variety. We sit at a table with our feet resting in water. Heavenly.


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