100 km down, only 700 km to go

I am in Cirauqui which is about 35 km past Pomplona. We are at 676 Km which is exactly 100 km from the start. (you can follow Hans' progress on this interactive map: )

Here is a brief rundown on my health:

  • Feet are fine!
  • Pain in left lung is gone and is not a problem. (Just 2 days before he left Hans had his doctor check out an annoying pain in his chest. Turns out he had a slight touch of pneumonia...! However, on the eve of his departure he really didn't want to cancel it only to find himself hale and hearty a few days later. So he took the antibiotics and evidently they worked.)
  • Knee was still sore through yesterday but fine today although I will continue to wear the knee brace.
  • First blister! On my hand from the staff. Go figure.

Wasn´t able to email yesterday as there was none available. Today we walked 31 km including an extra 3 to view a Templar church. Got to Punta la Reina (Queen´s Bridge) and decided to go on for an additional 8 km to here, Cirauqui.

Leaving Punta la Reina we walked along the river and then all of a sudden the path veered towrds a ravine. At the top of it (about 2-3 km and a climb of about 300 meters) we could see cars on a highway. Didn´t think we were going all the way up there....yes we were! It was brutal with grades continuously from 10 to 20 degrees. On top of that we were all running out of water and the temperature in the sun was 45 degrees C and we were in the sun continuously!!!!

My Hungarian partner almost fainted and the fountain at the entrance to the town at the top was a godsend. I immersed my head under the faucet and drank half a liter of water in one gulp.

From there it was a relatively easy 3 km to here although the last km was all uphill and became very steep as we entered the town which is built into a hill side.

Give my best to everyone....I am confident that I will make it all the way to Santiago!!!!

Glad to see that Alethea is starting to get better. Make sure she doesn´t overdo it in her hurry to become fully functional. Love to you both.


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