
Now that I have no job, I decided I should spend an hour a day working out: swimming, walking, whatever. Already that goal has taken a beating.

I swam twice this week, but for less than an hour. It's boring. Still, I really like it. How strange is that?

I spent my time in the car thinking about how to relieve the tedium a bit. Make it more interesting. Fun would be good too, but that`s pushing it. Decided I would change my breathing pattern so instead of taking a breath on every second stroke, I would at least once in each lap do 4 strokes. Next time I swim I'll do that twice in each lap and so on. I figured this would give me some focus (relieve the tedium) and ultimately improve my swimming/breathing/speed.

But, the pool was crowded today. Each lane already had 2 swimmers so I picked the medium lane and timed my entry for when the other 2 swimmers were at the far end. Mistake. I spent the next 10 laps swimming like the devil to keep away from them. By lap 11 I suddenly realized, "well, this has certainly taken my mind off the tedium." Both the others were faster than me, even doing the breastroke. How embarassing is that? As a result, we were jockeying for position and a few times I waited for them at the shallow end, then plunged forward right on their heels. Literally. This was actually slow for a length and so I tried bi-lateral breathing. Yikes. For 45 years I`ve only breathed on the left side but today, after 2 bouts of swimming, my neck is stiff and sore. I need to learn to breathe on the other side but when I tried it, it felt very awkward. Try clasping your hands in the opposite way, but do it while gulping water. That`ll give you the idea.

I did get to do a few lengths using 4 strokes per breath, as planned, and now I`ve revised my plan. I`m going to increase by 2 lengths every time I swim. Well, maybe. The plan`s written in water, not stone.

In other embarassing news, doing errands after my swim makes people stare. My face pulsates and I look to all the world like like a lighthouse beacon flashing red.


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