Messages from home

Len B, a friend from home, gave me some leg exercixes that I have found to be very helpful. I do them every day before I leave.

Also Don L, another friend, gave me a lovely card before I left. I was very touched and said I would take it with me. I have it here and I read his inspirational message every day. Have also shown it to several others who were very impressed. A couple of places have stamped it.-

Thanks to Favourite Dotter for the commentary and your encouragement. So far it has been very good. The toughest part (for the most part) is over. From here on in it's just a case of slogging along and watching the scenery go by.


Anonymous said…
Mom said you have had moments of questioning your sanity on the trip -- I understand, believe me! Willpower and determination will get you through when energy and strength fail you, and you have lots of both. Actually you have lots of all four so you should be fine. I imagine that as tough as it
is, it's a gorgeous trek and you are meeting amazing people. I can't wait to hear about it when you get back. You'll probably be a shadow of our former self, no less! I imagine the exercise is amazing and you'll be looking like
a man of 50 by the time you are back, penitent and all. We should have got you a rosary made of Ibuprofen for the walk!

Have an amazing time. ~ Sweetlethe
Anonymous said…
Hans, so interesting to read about your trek. Keep on going "one foot on the ground one step at a time".
Haloranch said…
Sounds like you are burning up the track in Spain: I read your emails to mom and it sounds like you are making really good time. Make sure you take enough time to just enjoy the process, too: look around. Take pictures. Breathe the air (not to be confused with sucking wind, ha ha.) Savor the moments. Take your time. You will not come this way again. I learned that on my travels; so often I would rush through something and not take a moment or not go do or see something because I thought I'd be back that way, and I almost never was. Or if, by some stroke of brilliant serendipity, I did make it back, it was... different. The moment was lost. So, carpe diem. ~ Sweetlethe

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