First Rotary Meeting

Tomorrow I lead my first Rotary meeting.

When I think of it, my stomach floats up and I feel like I'm dropping down an elevator shaft. I don't like it. And yet, I can't stop my mind from drifting to tomorrow's meeting, over and over and over. Each time, that queasy floaty feeling of stomach seeking exit through mouth returns.

God, I wish it were tomorrow night.


Anonymous said…
You are going to be terrific, and funny, and intelligent and articulate, just as you always are. You wouldn't be the upcopming pres if they didn't love you. And you've attended so many meetings now that you'll know them by heart. Practice on Dad (and tell him to be nice).

Haloranch said…
I was great! Initially somewhat scared but it went away and then most of the meeting I'm just asking various people to talk, so I didn't have to do much at all. Loved it. At the end I finished with, "Thanks everyone, you were great. So we're even, right?"

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