My Joggity Heartbeat

I have the slightest touch of paranoia.

It only rears its ugly head when Hans is away. In fact, I am completely and blissfully unaware of it all other times. But when he's not in bed beside me, well, I hear things.

Recently he was away fishing and my worst fear came true. I am in bed, the house is dark, and I hear something go bump-in-the-night. From the closet. Where the Boogeyman lives.

An icy fist clutches at my heart and my Paranoid Brain goes on red alert. My Logical Brain knows no one is lying in wait until the moment I turn off the lights. But evidently my logical brain is connected to the light switch.

Eyes open wide, I pull all available moonlight into them but I see nothing. The only sound I hear now is the joggity rhythm of my heart. The closet door remains firmly shut.

I know I have to get up. The alternative is to lie there and continue staring at the closet door. I also know I am being silly but in the dark, I can't acknowledge logic. So, I open the door, turn on the light and there it lies, completely harmless. A feather pillow. It fell from the shelf and because it was in a plastic dry cleaner's bag, it rustled before it whoompfed to the floor.

Scared half to death by a feather pillow.


bounce said…
re: staying at home alone paranoia, I'm going to make my mother exchange phone numbers with you... because I swear the two of you go through the exact same exercises when alone at home.
Haloranch said…
I know I'm not alone with my little fears, but it's so nice to actually hear that someone else shares them!

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