Farewell dinner in Budapest

It was sad to say goodbye to our friends from Debrecen and Budapest. Zsolt, who sadly caught a bad flu and couldn't join us, nevertheless made reservations at a fabulous trendy new restaurant in downtown Budapest called Klassz.

Look where we're sitting. It was like dining in a wine cellar. And the food was excellent.

Even though we didn't stay late, darkness comes early in Budapest. The moonlight was glazing the sidewalk as we stepped out into the cool evening air and we hugged goodbye.

It was a great holiday. Now, Hans is on his 4th day of walking the Via de la Plata in Spain. Internet in the little villages through which he's travelling is so far non-existent but soon I should be able to update the blog and our website with news on how he's doing.


Haloranch said…
Hans - still having intermittent problems with xplornet, which has been down for most of 2 days now. Read my comments on previous blog entry for other options.
Anonymous said…
Hi FW,

After 4 days I have finally been able to email only to find out that Xplornet is unavailable. What a bummer! Looks like this is the only way to communicate for now.

Here is an update.

I am currently in Monesterio where I have to stay in a hotel since there is no albergue. Have completed 109 km over the last 4 days.
Sevilla to Guillena (Oct 6) 20km.
Guillena to Castilblanco de los Arroyos (Oct 7) 20 km.
Castilblanco to Almaden de la Plata (Oct 8) 30 km.
Almaden de la Plata to Monestorio (Oct 9) 40 km.

The 3 1-2 weeks of inactivity in Central Europe did not help my training for the walk. Have found conditions pretty tough with a few niggling problems.

The first couple of days were very hot and uncomfortable (high twenties) so the short distances of 20 km was a relief.

Since then the weather has been warm and sunny with never ending wind mostly against us;however cool mornings have been helpful.

No blister problems to this point and I don´t expect any BUT I am having some problems with my right knee and leg. Knee seems to be a stretched anterior ligament. Use of the knee brace has helped and I don´t foresee any it getting any worse as long as I am carefull. The long 30 and 40 km distances the last two days have been very tough. My right leg started to ached with about 10 km to go today and I had to drag my butt most of the last 2-3 hours. Also ran out of water with about 3 km to go. A double dose of Ibuprofen and a couple of beers made me feel a lot better.

If I can get through the next 2-4 days I should be able to walk my way through the leg problems.

I met a couple from Holland and Franck from Belgium on the first day and the 4 of us have stayed at the same (and only) albergue over the last 3 nights. Only Franck and I made the 40 km walk today so we probably won´t see the Dutch folks again. Franck is going all the way to Santiago de Compostela so we might stick together for a while (we are sharing a hotel room here tonight). The Dutch folks are walking for 2 weeks and will continue their Via de la Plata walk next year.

Please extend best wishes to all that are supporting our ¨Walk to Beat Polio¨

Anonymous said…
Hans, Using the gmail account is VERY reliable. xplornet IS iffy. Take care of the leg & knee. Cheers. We're all rooting for you!

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