
Top 10 reasons to be thankful at Thanksgiving and every other day:

1. I’m thankful for my life. We don’t realize how slender the thread is that binds us to this earth until it threatens to snap. I’m so grateful mine hasn’t broken.

2. I’m so thankful for Hans and Alethea. Without them, my life would turn from blazing colour to drab black and white, and I would stumble through life like a somnambulist in a grey world.

3. I’m grateful that my Mom and Dad are still healthy enough to be able to live alone in their home, and with most of their marbles intact.

4. I’m grateful that Hans’ Dad has such a positive outlook on life that, despite his blindness, he is out and about every day to take long walks.

5. I’m thankful for all my friends, close and far, who care about me.

6. I’m thankful for Rotary, which has opened a world of friendship around the globe with people who share our values.

7. I’m grateful to be living in a place that has 4 seasons. While I don’t like to be outside in the cold of winter, I do love to sit by a roaring fire and look out at sparkling hoar frost and the brilliance of white snow that has transformed the landscape into a wonderland. I’d miss that.

8. I’m grateful not to be poor (though if the market keeps tanking next year might be different.)

9. I’m so thankful for the abundant comforts in my life.

10. I’m thankful that I’ve had, and continue to have, the opportunity to travel.


Lethe said…
I am thankful that we have such a blessed life in Canada. We are so privileged and so lucky for the advantages we get every single day.

I am thankful that, despite my best attempts to derail you, you and Dad raised me right.

I am thankful that we became a family again when I was 19, and never quit again.

I am thankful you are my mom. You are so easy to love.

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