Going Postal in Prague

What is it about postal employees?

We had postcards to mail and needed stamps. The post office was quite difficult to find and when we did, there seemed to be no organized process for who got served next. We lined up behind a woman and the three of us kept an eye out on the two clerks on duty.

Both were moving at the speed of evolution.

Meanwhile, more customers arrived and after initially appearing puzzled, lined up behind us. The lady in front got served. Then a third wicket opened and since we were next, we presented ourselves in front of her.

Her pretty face hid the snarling hag beneath.

After waiting long enough for the other two clerks to finish with their customers and deal with those who had been behind us, she looked up and informed us to go to one of the other wickets. Which were now occupied. Then she beckoned over a customer who had been hanging around the counters and helped him. *sigh*

When we finally got our row of stamps they had the extra little blank ends at the beginning and end of the performations. So after we applied the stamps, Hans licked the blank pieces and stuck them on the counter.


Anonymous said…
What a rebel this Wheezie guy. Next he'll be dumping tea in the water. I know it wouldn't be wine.

Sounds like you're having fun, especially all these quaint experiences.


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