Budapest, coming up

Despite the awkward travel coming up, we didn't once consider cacelling the whole trip. Well maybe I did, briefly. But we're going ahead full speed. Besides, the nights are getting cold here. We've had frost. In August. Shocking.

Budapest, on the other hand, is still pleasantly warm. Hot even, on some days. We've been reminded to bring our bathing suits as we're going to visit some spas. And wineries. Life could be worse.


Unknown said…
Glad you decided to carry on with your plans despite seeing your airline reservations Zoom away! Looking forward to reading about your progress.
Roger Y. Lethbridge-East
Haloranch said…
Hi Roger - so nice to hear from you! The Walk was never going to be cancelled as Hans is committed to it but the holiday portion seemed to be getting troublesome with Zoom's demise. However, it's all going to work out. Unless, of course, Hurrican Ike - coming soon - hits Huston and kaiboshes our flights over to London. *sigh*

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