Van Gogh

Following lunch, we decided to take in the Van Gogh exhibit at the Albertina. We walked past a statue of Goethe, brooding in a bronze chair and eerily bald without the requisite pigeon roosting on his head.

Along the pedestrian walkway there's a series of Hollywood style stars imbedded in the walkways.

At the Albertina the sticker shock was much more palatable, only €22.50 including Hans' senior's discount and a pair of audiophones.

Did you know Van Gogh often made copies of his paintings from Paris and Arles to send to his brother? And that he really wanted to be a minister and do humanitarian work? That's why so many of his drawings and paintings reflect the ordinary peasant at work, because he wanted them to be able to identify with the image should they be able to buy one.

Here's a statue of Mozart with a gorgeous treble clef made from red flowers.


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