Debrecen Rotary

Got our first taste of a completely foreign speaking club.

First we were met by Bela, Hungary's Youth Exchange ooordinator who spoke excellent English and told us a bit about their club. They created a second district, 1911, last year and D K Lee was there for their charter night. There are only 1000 members in 42 clubs but they are quite active with YEX with 50 students being exchanged annually in Hungary.

We were invited to tell a little about our club, which I did and we exchanged the usual banners. That was the end of the English portion but I was pleased that our host, Janos, was able to at least understand the gist of the meeting.

It was quite long. They had a pre meeting from 5:31 to 6.30 which we weren't invited to attend but asked to wait in the hotel's lobby. Since it was undoubtedlz conducted in Hungarian this was just as well. Bela came for us at 6:30 and we joined the group, including their young exchange student Sarah from New York. At 8:00 we asked Bela if it was okay to leave and he led us out.

The meeting was very different. I don't know if they sing their anthem or do anything else but after a presentation by Bela, the president did all the talking.

So, that was our introduction to Hungarian Rotary.


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