
Pronounce the "O" long, like in mole. Dohg.

That's how our hosts' little daughter, who's 1 1/2 years old, greets me when I walk in the door. I'm pretty sure it's not my looks cause I got my hair done just before we left Canada. At least, I hope it's not my looks!

Little Molly loves dogs and quite by chance we brought her a small stuffed doggie as a gift. I was the one to hand it to her and ever since, I've been "Dohg" when I come in, or even just when she catches my eye. She dimples and gives me a long look. "Dohg" she says. Sometimes I'm Dohggie, when she's feeling more affectionate.

Today I'm sitting next to her on the sofa and I asked her something. "No", she replied. When I did't react, she repeated it. "No." Still no reaction from me, so she switched to Hungarian. "Nem!"


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