
There's more to come on Debrcen, but having just spent the last 2 days in Vienna, I'm working backwards. By the way, forgive typos - keyboards are a bit different and now I'm on a public terminal with not as much time.

So, where to start with Vienna? It couldn't have been easier to get to our hotel. The subway was just meters from the train station and the stop is right before our hotel. I mean, right before it. Maybe 5 steps. Perfect! And the bonus is that our hotel, the Marienhilf Hotel and Pension, is on the very popular and busy Marienhilf Strasse, a bustling, busy street filled with shops and people. And we're onlz 15 minutes' walk from the city's heart.

"Would zou like tickets to the symphony tonight? Last pair," said the student dressed in period costume and waving a pair of tickets at us.

"No" I demurred. "This is onlz our first stop. We have to look around first and decide what we want to do."

"What could be better than spending an evening in the palace listning to the symphonz orchestra?"

Admittedly, not much. But we didn't buy the tickets at €56 each and by the time evening rolled around we were so footsore and weary I was grateful to just slump into bed.


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